Unraveling the TNS Advanced+ Serum Lawsuit: A Comprehensive Guide


In the realm of skincare, the TNS Advanced+ Serum has garnered significant attention, promising to transform the complexion with its unique blend of ingredients. However, this popular serum has also found itself embroiled in a legal battle, raising concerns among consumers. This article delves into the intricacies of the TNS Advanced+ serum lawsuit, providing insights into the allegations, the legal proceedings, and the potential implications for consumers.

Allegations Against SkinMedica

At the heart of the lawsuit lies the claim that SkinMedica, the manufacturer of the TNS Advanced+ serum, misrepresented the product as a cosmeceutical when it should be classified as a drug. Cosmeceuticals fall under the purview of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as cosmetics, while drugs undergo a more rigorous approval process.

The plaintiffs allege that SkinMedica’s serum contains human growth factors (HGFs), which are biological substances that can affect the structure and function of the skin. They argue that the presence of HGFs elevates the product to the status of a drug, necessitating FDA approval before marketing.

Legal Proceedings

The lawsuit, initially filed in 2014, has been through several rounds of legal proceedings. In 2017, a federal district court judge dismissed the case, ruling that the plaintiffs failed to demonstrate that TNS Advanced+ serum meets the legal definition of a drug. However, the plaintiffs appealed the decision, and the case is currently pending before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Potential Implications for Consumers

The outcome of the TNS Advanced+ serum lawsuit could have significant implications for consumers. If the court upholds the district court’s ruling, it would mean that SkinMedica is not required to obtain FDA approval for the product. However, if the plaintiffs prevail, the serum would need to undergo FDA scrutiny before being marketed.

For consumers, this legal battle raises questions about the safety and efficacy of the TNS Advanced+ serum. While the product has been used by many without reported adverse effects, the presence of HGFs warrants further investigation.


The TNS Advanced+ serum lawsuit highlights the complexities of classifying skincare products and the potential risks associated with using products that have not undergone rigorous FDA approval. Consumers should carefully consider the ingredients and potential risks of any skincare product they choose to use.


What are cosmeceuticals?

Cosmeceuticals are a hybrid of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, intended to provide both cosmetic and therapeutic benefits.

Why is the classification of skincare products important?

The classification of skincare products determines the level of regulation and oversight they are subject to. Cosmeceuticals are generally considered safe and do not require FDA approval, while drugs undergo a more stringent approval process.

What are human growth factors (HGFs)?

HGFs are proteins that play a role in regulating cell growth and repair. They are often used in skincare products to promote anti-aging effects.

What are the potential risks of using skincare products containing HGFs?

While HGFs are generally considered safe, there is some concern that they may increase the risk of certain cancers.

What should consumers do if they have concerns about the TNS Advanced+ serum?

Consumers should consult with a dermatologist or healthcare professional to discuss the potential risks and benefits of using the TNS Advanced+ serum.

What is the current status of the TNS Advanced+ serum lawsuit?

The lawsuit is currently pending before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The outcome of the case could have significant implications for the classification and regulation of skincare products.

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