YDC Lawsuit 2022


What is the YDC Lawsuit 2022?

The YDC Lawsuit 2022 is a class-action lawsuit filed against the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) by hundreds of former residents of the Youth Development Center (YDC). The lawsuit alleges that the state failed to protect residents from physical and sexual abuse by staff members, and that the state knew about the abuse but did nothing to stop it.

The lawsuit was filed in September 2021, and in May 2022, the New Hampshire Legislature approved a $100 million fund to compensate victims of abuse at the YDC. The fund is open to anyone who was a resident of the YDC between 1963 and 2012 and who was abused by a staff member.

Why is the YDC Lawsuit 2022 important?

The YDC Lawsuit 2022 is important because it is a step towards holding the state accountable for the abuse that occurred at the YDC for decades. The lawsuit also sends a message that the state will not tolerate abuse of children in its care.

What does the YDC Lawsuit 2022 mean for victims of abuse?

The YDC Lawsuit 2022 could provide financial compensation to victims of abuse, as well as access to mental health and other services. The lawsuit could also help to raise awareness of the abuse that occurred at the YDC and lead to changes to prevent future abuse.

What can you do if you were a victim of abuse at the YDC?

If you were a victim of abuse at the YDC, you can file a claim with the YDC Claims Administration and Settlement Fund. You can also contact a lawyer to discuss your options.


The YDC Lawsuit 2022 is an important step towards holding the state accountable for the abuse that occurred at the YDC for decades. The lawsuit could also provide financial compensation and other services to victims of abuse.


Q: How much money could victims of abuse receive from the YDC Claims Administration and Settlement Fund?

A: The maximum amount that a victim can receive from the fund is $1.5 million. However, the amount that each victim receives will depend on a number of factors, including the severity of the abuse and the impact that it has had on the victim’s life.

Q: How do I file a claim with the YDC Claims Administration and Settlement Fund?

A: To file a claim, you can visit the fund’s website or call the fund’s hotline at 1-800-887-3477. You will need to provide information about yourself, the abuse that you suffered, and the impact that the abuse has had on your life.

Q: What if I don’t want to file a claim with the fund?

A: If you don’t want to file a claim with the fund, you can still pursue legal action against the state. You should contact a lawyer to discuss your options.

Q: What are the deadlines for filing a claim with the fund?

A: The deadline to file a claim with the fund is December 31, 2024. However, it is important to file your claim as soon as possible so that your claim can be processed before the deadline.

Q: What kind of evidence do I need to support my claim?

A: The type of evidence that you need to support your claim will depend on the specific circumstances of your case. However, some examples of evidence that you may want to gather include:

  • Medical records
  • Mental health records
  • Police reports
  • Witness statements
  • Photos
  • Diaries
  • Other documentation that supports your claim

Q: What if I don’t have any evidence to support my claim?

A: Even if you don’t have any evidence to support your claim, you may still be able to file a claim with the fund. The fund will consider all claims, even if there is no evidence to support


  • New Hampshire YDC Claims Administration and Settlement Fund: https://www.ydcclaims.nh.gov/
  • Lawsuit: Lawyers wouldn’t use YDC settlement fund but want part of the $1.5 million award: https://newhampshirebulletin.com/2023/06/12/lawsuit-lawyers-wouldnt-use-ydc-settlement-fund-but-want-part-of-the-1-5-million-award/
  • YDC Claims Process – NH Department of Justice: https://www.doj.nh.gov/ydc-claims-process/index.htm

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