Zesty Paws Lawsuit: What You Need to Know


Zesty Paws is a popular pet supplement company that has been involved in two lawsuits in recent years. The first lawsuit was filed against Zesty Paws by Nutramax Laboratories, a competing pet supplement company. Nutramax alleged that Zesty Paws was falsely advertising its products and making misleading comparisons to Nutramax’s products.

The second lawsuit was filed against Nutramax by Zesty Paws. Zesty Paws alleged that Nutramax was also falsely advertising its products and making misleading comparisons to Zesty Paws’ products. Zesty Paws also alleged that Nutramax’s products did not meet their label claims.

Both lawsuits are still ongoing, and it is unclear how they will be resolved. However, the lawsuits have raised concerns about the accuracy of pet supplement labeling and the potential for false advertising in the pet supplement industry.

What are the allegations against Zesty Paws?

Nutramax alleged that Zesty Paws was falsely advertising its products in several ways. For example, Nutramax alleged that Zesty Paws was misrepresenting the quality of its ingredients and the effectiveness of its products. Nutramax also alleged that Zesty Paws was making misleading comparisons to Nutramax’s products, such as by claiming that its products were more effective or less expensive.

Zesty Paws denied all of Nutramax’s allegations. Zesty Paws also alleged that Nutramax was falsely advertising its products and making misleading comparisons to Zesty Paws’ products. For example, Zesty Paws alleged that Nutramax was misrepresenting the results of its clinical studies and the rankings of its products by veterinarians.

What are the concerns about pet supplement labeling?

The lawsuits against Zesty Paws have raised concerns about the accuracy of pet supplement labeling. The FDA does not regulate pet supplements in the same way that it regulates human supplements. This means that pet supplement manufacturers are not required to submit their products for FDA approval before marketing them.

As a result, there is a risk that pet supplements may contain inaccurate or misleading information on their labels. This could include information about the ingredients in the product, the dosage instructions, and the potential side effects.

What are the potential risks of false advertising in the pet supplement industry?

False advertising in the pet supplement industry can have several negative consequences. For example, pet owners may purchase products that are not effective or that may even harm their pets. Additionally, false advertising can give consumers a false understanding of the risks and benefits of pet supplements.

What can pet owners do to protect themselves?

Pet owners can protect themselves from false advertising and inaccurate labeling by doing their research before purchasing pet supplements. Pet owners should read the product label carefully and compare different products before making a purchase. Additionally, pet owners should talk to their veterinarian about the best pet supplements for their pet’s individual needs.


The lawsuits against Zesty Paws are still ongoing, and it is unclear how they will be resolved. However, the lawsuits have raised important concerns about the accuracy of pet supplement labeling and the potential for false advertising in the pet supplement industry.

Pet owners can protect themselves from false advertising and inaccurate labeling by doing their research before purchasing pet supplements and by talking to their veterinarian about the best pet supplements for their pet’s individual needs.


Q: What should I do if I think I have purchased a pet supplement that is falsely advertised?

A: If you think you have purchased a pet supplement that is falsely advertised, you should contact the manufacturer of the product. You should also report the product to the FDA.

Q: What are the risks of giving my pet a pet supplement that is falsely advertised?

A: If a pet supplement is falsely advertised, it may contain inaccurate or misleading information about the ingredients in the product, the dosage instructions, and the potential side effects. This could put your pet at risk of harm.

Q: How can I choose a safe and effective pet supplement?

A: When choosing a pet supplement, you should read the product label carefully and compare different products before making a purchase. You should also talk to your veterinarian about the best pet supplements for your pet’s individual needs.

Q: Are there any government regulations for pet supplements?

A: The FDA does not regulate pet supplements in the same way that it regulates human supplements. This means that pet supplement manufacturers are not required to submit their products for FDA approval before marketing them.

Q: What should I do if I have any concerns about a pet supplement?

A: If you have any concerns about a pet supplement, you should talk to your veterinarian. They can help you determine if the product is safe and effective for your pet.


  • [Nutramax Laboratories Files Lawsuit Against Zesty Paws For False Advertising](https://www.nutramaxlabs.com/media-center


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